About the author
I wrote the book Alice's Ego because a friend, who managed a secret home for domestically abused women and their children, said, 'women who fake domestic abuse make it a lot more difficult for her to get help and support for women who are in genuine need.'
I have been practicing alternative therapies for the last 10 years and qualified in Magnified Healing, Reiki Master, Seichem Master, Reflexology, Massage and Crystal Therapy. I chanel light language and am highly intuitive. I am currently studying Tarot, Meditation and Aromatherapy. I had a crystal shop and therapy rooms for 5 years and a Harley Street Practice in 2015. I am in Glastonbury Town now studying and learning as one only can here and I love the level of concious conversation and education on offer here.
I am the mother of three children and step mom to two children and the human servant of two cats. I think that whatever life throws at us should be laughed at. Seeing the great cosmic joke in it all is my practice. I am a fan of conciously clearing issues through alternative healing practices and past life regressions to get to the real truth of the issues. I am passionate about finding the truth in all things. I do hope you enjoy my new novel Alice's Ego.

I have been a therapist for over 10 years. During this time I have listened to a lot of peoples stories. I began to see there was a theme to many of them and studied archetypes. From this I was able to build a novel that I believe will resonate with a lot of people. I am qualified in Magnified Healing, Massage, Reflexology and Crystal Therapy. I am also a Reiki and Seichem Master. I’ve owned a Crystal Shop and a Harley Street Practice. I’ve travelled the world working energetically. Finding this path and breaking my linage has been my life purpose. It has been a hilarious and sometimes arduous journey that has left me with a unique outlook on life.

In 2015 I had a successful Crystal Shop and Therapy Room in my home town and a one day a week clinic at the Westlake Clinic, Harley St, London. I was busy, super busy and I was taking on as much work as I could possibly do. It was exhausting but fun and successful. Then toward the end of the year I had a random rather silly accident that left me concussed. The concussion was beautiful. I could do nothing but rest and was unable to think about anything.
My mind felt a deep inner peace something I had always striven for but was never able to get close to achieving in the busy and complex 3D reality I had to be a part of for my survival on this illusionary planet. But now I knew nothing but peace, deep peace in my mind and thorough relaxation. I have since spoken to other people who have had concussion and many describe a similar experience.
After the initial down time, I found that if I thought about anything, even simple things like to groceries I needed, shooting pains would go through my head until I had to stop the thoughts. It was like a form of aversion therapy. You will not think about a thing or you will get pain. The pain was worse if I worried. It retrained my mind. It wasn’t until late February / March time that thoughts and worries started to come back into my mind and it was awful when they did. Worrying was something I did not want to happen. I had loved the experience of being in the flow of life, just going about my business without fear or attachment to the outcome. But the pain was subsiding and so negativity could slip in. Now I had to take responsibility for keeping my thoughts extremely positive and happy, whilst staying grounded and practical here on the planet.
Just at the time when I felt the pain had gone on too long and it was time to seek further medical advice Pauline McTimmony came into my shop and we spent quite some time together. She said she was thinking of writing a book about her father’s life and chiropractic work. She also explained about the concussion and the rewiring of the brain. She told me that Edgar Cayce had a similar experience which lit me up. All through the healing process I had felt that it was an incident in my life that was meant to be and would be for my highest and best good. So it was wonderful to get a little understanding of the restructuring that had gone on and the new worriless life I was leading.
I have always believed that your thoughts create your reality and worry was pointless. So, if your thoughts create your reality then you will get your expected outcome and your thoughts are like prayers which will be answered. I am fearful that X will happen and so it does etc. Whatever you give energy to expands. The shooting pains slowly lessened over a 5month period until they completely subsided and I had learnt not to worry about a thing, that it was best to get out of my own way and allow the universe to take me where I needed to be.
In June and July I began writing a book which I am in the process of completing. It is a simple novel that explores narcissistic behaviour and how energy healing and positive thoughts can help overcome mental and emotional abuse. The sort of thing you might read by the pool on holiday or cosied up at home on a long winter evening but, hopefully, it also opens the mind to other aspects of life, healing, some of the possibilities out there and the importance of finding and being the real, authentic you.
Then suddenly in August, as soon as I had said all I needed to say in my book, I took the decision to move to Glastonbury. I needed my own soul’s growth. Opportunities here immediately opened up for me and without worry or further thought I created this new reality for myself.
Yes letting go of my beloved shop, that I had built up from scratch and felt more like a cosy front room than a place of work, was hard but I felt excitement inside of me when I thought of Glastonbury. I could feel my soul was excited to come here and think the experiences I will now have will further match the growth my soul seeks. I also decided to release almost all of my possessions. I had a deep inner knowing that I would no longer need them. What I hadn’t realised was the incredible sense of freedom this would give me. I know understand how bogged down and burdened I had become as the taking care of material items had limited my options in life.
A month here now in the high vibration and I have gone through the initial exhaustion of having landed after such a rapid and physical time of packing up and selling off everything. I have met so many amazing people and had some of the conversations my soul craved. It has been a round of dinners and lunches and learning to relax, laugh and feel safe in a totally new environment. I have taken to saying 'I don't know' to everyone. It's a fabulous phrase that really opens me up to learning. Everyone is then free to express their interpretations of life the universe and everything and I get a more eclectic view on the world. I loved The Dolmen at the Faery Ball and have had visits from old friends.
So now to work, Oh yes my heart and soul need to work to feel fulfilled. I will be back practicing next month, November 2016.